James Kincaid Johnson
Board Member


A member of The Citizen Potawatomi Nation of Oklahoma, James, better known as Jack, served 6 years as a US Marine, spending 27 months in Viet Nam with the 1st and 3rd Marines during 1965-68. While stationed at Treasure Island Naval Base, CA, Jack served as security at the Brig and the Gate and performed Special Duty escorting Marines home to their final resting place.

Immediately following his discharge, Jack served as a California Peace Officer in Fresno County. For the past twenty-eight years he has worked in the Motion Picture Industry as a Lighting Director.

Jack was a co-found of Citizens For Veteran's Rights, an advocacy organization for veteran issues, and served on their Board of Directors as Veteran At Large. He currently is the 1st Vice President and co-founder of America's Veterans, an organization who is, for the first time in history, honoring all living veterans through their project, The Living Wall©, while bringing awareness to who our veterans are and the issues that plague them - www.americasveterans.org

Jack is a Board Member of the San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation, where he teaches classes in film and video pre and post-production, the art of lighting, and all aspects of grip work.

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